Sacred Space
by Wineskins Magazine
One time a week during Lent we'll send a message to our ZOE-Wineskins list, showing you good resources that help prepare our lives for receiving Christ in Easter celebration - that's what Lent is all about.
So this week we're bringing you Lent reflections from Sacred Space and using them by permission. I bought the small book and have been "enjoying" it. I heard of an old Catholic mother who said, "If you're enjoying Lent, you're doing it wrong."
A friend once said the difference between happiness and joy is that joy comes through suffering and happiness is attempted by avoiding suffering.
Sacred Space Lent page is excellent. After you read this short summary they provide of what it means to prepare for Easter, I encourage you to go to Sacred Space Lent page and use this excellent resource. If you contact them, please let them know you heard about Sacred Space from Wineskins.

Greg Taylor
managing editor

Click here to see Sacred Space Lent page
In summary, the Lenten preparation for Easter could be summed up in these points:
* Lent is about turning back to God; God is always turned towards us and looking for contact and communication ("Turn to me and be saved," Isaiah 45:22).
The Israelites in the desert were forgetful and had to be reminded by Moses about all the good things God had done for them (Deut 26:1-11). We need to take time to remember how lucky we are, to consider what God has done for us and to appreciate the blessings that are ours.
* God's promise is one of Good News - 'Gospel' - of 'good things' for us, a better life and more fulfilment; i.e. being led out of 'slavery' (sin as 'slavery' to lesser goods) and into the fullness of life in God.
* Reconciliation, or healing our life, is possible only through realising that we are forgiven, even though we don't deserve it. We can recall the story of the Prodigal Son, the classic Lenten text, in the light of God's great love for us through Christ, his amazing love & self-gift. (The Gospel of the Prodigal Son - Luke 15:1-32 - is read on 18 March this year).
* Inevitably Lent involves commitment to change, through this free gift of God's love; a conversion of heart and priorities that will mean decisions and doing things differently.
* Easter Sunday will then take on its fuller meaning: that we have died with Christ on Good Friday to our 'old selves' and destructive ways, and have been 're-born' on Easter Sunday with Christ to a new life in him. Easter always has strong echoes of Baptism for us as we touch the water, hear the words and celebrate with our communities.

A friend once said the difference between happiness and joy is that joy comes through suffering and happiness is attempted by avoiding suffering.
Sacred Space Lent page is excellent. After you read this short summary they provide of what it means to prepare for Easter, I encourage you to go to Sacred Space Lent page and use this excellent resource. If you contact them, please let them know you heard about Sacred Space from Wineskins.

Greg Taylor
managing editor

Click here to see Sacred Space Lent page
In summary, the Lenten preparation for Easter could be summed up in these points:
* Lent is about turning back to God; God is always turned towards us and looking for contact and communication ("Turn to me and be saved," Isaiah 45:22).
The Israelites in the desert were forgetful and had to be reminded by Moses about all the good things God had done for them (Deut 26:1-11). We need to take time to remember how lucky we are, to consider what God has done for us and to appreciate the blessings that are ours.
* God's promise is one of Good News - 'Gospel' - of 'good things' for us, a better life and more fulfilment; i.e. being led out of 'slavery' (sin as 'slavery' to lesser goods) and into the fullness of life in God.
* Reconciliation, or healing our life, is possible only through realising that we are forgiven, even though we don't deserve it. We can recall the story of the Prodigal Son, the classic Lenten text, in the light of God's great love for us through Christ, his amazing love & self-gift. (The Gospel of the Prodigal Son - Luke 15:1-32 - is read on 18 March this year).
* Inevitably Lent involves commitment to change, through this free gift of God's love; a conversion of heart and priorities that will mean decisions and doing things differently.
* Easter Sunday will then take on its fuller meaning: that we have died with Christ on Good Friday to our 'old selves' and destructive ways, and have been 're-born' on Easter Sunday with Christ to a new life in him. Easter always has strong echoes of Baptism for us as we touch the water, hear the words and celebrate with our communities.
Labels: Lent, Sacred Space
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