
Daily Life of Worship: The God Who Runs to Us

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The God Who Runs to Us

by Keith Brenton
04/23/08 - I squandered youth in distant lands
And spent my fortune with poor friends
Now I feed pigs in filthy pens
They run to me
They run to me

At home, the slaves eat better food
My Father never treats them rude
Were I His slave, he'd treat me good
I've come to me
I've come to me

"See! My Father, waiting, stands;
See! He reaches out His hands;"*
And then He does what love demands
He runs to me
He runs to me

I'll never see Him quite the same
While I sought wealth and power and fame
He watched at home, and called my name
Then ran to me
Then ran to me

*This couplet is borrowed from the hymn "Love for All" by Samuel Longfellow
(with a tune by Xavier Schnyder). Remainder ©2005, W. Keith Brenton

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