
Daily Life of Worship: They Went and Did

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

They Went and Did

by Keith Brenton
05/13/2008 - It's a short sentence, a short verse among many others. But it contains a principle you see over and over again in the gospels and the book of the Acts of the Apostles:

"The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. " ~ Matthew 21:6

When He sent them off with many instructions by twos by the dozen or six dozen, they went and did what He asked. (Luke 9:6)

When He sent them with simple instructions to prepare the Passover, they did exactly as he asked. (Matthew 26:19)

After He died and returned briefly to encourage them and give them their last set of instructions, they went into all the world and preached the gospel (Acts 8:4), even if it took tough times and persecution to scatter them from the infectious joy of the inbreaking kingdom in Jerusalem.

Even Judas went and did quickly what he had resolved to do and was told to do quickly (John 13:27-30.

Whatever He asked, no matter how strange or precognitive, they went and did.

It became the definition of "disciple."

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